African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Positive Calibrated Home With Lavender Oil

A major producer of lavender oil in Africa is South Africa creating a wonderful aromatic lavender oil to positively calibrate homes around the world with a pleasant and distinctive smell.

Instead of aerosol sprays make a South African lavender oil room spray to positively calibrate your room.

Drops essential lavender oil and sunshine
Essential lavender oil and sunshine

The name lavender comes from the Latin verb lavare to wash or to bathe. The major producer of lavender oil in Africa is South Africa cultivated in Western and Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga provinces. 

The weather conditions in the Western Cape are very similar to the Mediterranean climate. The plant parts used for oil distillation in making foot massage oils are the flowers and, in smaller quantities leaves. 

The essential oil from only the flowering tops is of higher quality than oil obtained from the leaves for a better quality massage oil. Lavender is a frequently used household herbal remedy. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy. 

The leaves are also added to bathwater for fragrance and their therapeutic properties. Sheer muslin bags filled with lavender kept in every closet, bureau drawer and chest is essential for a positive calibrated home. 

Instead of aerosol sprays try large jars filled with lemongrass and lavender, and spices of your choice stored in the family room and entry hall, and the lids removed for about half an hour after sweeping and dusting is complete, so a faint, indescribable perfume permeates the whole house naturally. 

Essential oils obtained from spices, herbs, and medicinal plants are well-known in traditional medicine from head to the foot due to their anti fungal, antibacterial and antiviral activities. Lavender is incorporated extensively in cosmetic preparations owing to its safety and sedative action. It is used in creams; it soothes the skin and can prevent the formation of permanent scar tissue.


Reflexology Lavender Oil

Reflexology Lavender Oil

Lavender is used in soap making, high-quality perfumes such as eau de cologne, candles, incense sachets, potpourri, wands, pillows, flower bundles, dried arrangements, wall hangings, wreaths and many more. Lavender is also used as a detergent and cleaning agent. 

The aromatic leaves and flowers are used in potpourri and as an insect repellent in linen closets. The flowering stems, once the flowers have been removed for use in potpourri, can be tied in small bundles and burnt as incense sticks. It is also used in bath products such as soap, shampoo, bath oil, lotion, bath salt. The fresh leaves repel mice. 

Lavender, in combination with rosemary essential oil, is used as an organic pesticide. Food grade lavender oil is used for a variety of food flavorings such as lavender jelly, cookies, ice cream, culinary herb blends, lavender tea, honey and salt. 

The essential oil is used in aromatherapy. The leaves are also added to bath water for fragrance and their therapeutic properties. Remember, essential oils can be harmful if swallowed and should be kept out of children’s reach. 

Lavender is a frequently-used household herbal remedy. It is not often used internally, though it is a useful carminative and nervine. It is mainly used externally when rubbed into the temples, and it can cure a nervous headache. 

Its powerful antiseptic properties are able to kill many of the frequent bacteria such as streptococcus, and pneumococcus, as well as being a powerful antidote to some snake venom's. It is very useful in the treatment of sunburn, blisters, bug bites and to soothe tired feet. 


Lavender herbal remedy
Lavender herbal remedy

Positive Calibrated Home Pure Lavender Room Spray 


2 sprigs lavender plant  

6 drops essential lavender oil 

1 cup distilled water 


In a small spray bottle add all ingredients using a funnel or a steady hand, close top tightly and shake well before each use. 

Did you know? Because there are such various types of lavender, some will grow well in different climatic zones from cold to subtropical throughout Africa.

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