African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

King Eagles Promise is Easily Broken African Folklore

King Eagles promise is easily broken African Folklore teaches us to think before making a promise to someone, especially to the Sparrow bird.

King Eagles promise is easily broken African Folklore teaches us to think before making a promise to someone, especially to the Sparrow bird.
Sparrow hides all his relatives in the bush at the river.

King Eagles Promise is Easily Broken African Folklore

The animals choose the powerful Eagle as their King and throw him a great feast. 

Sparrow wishes to present a gift to Eagle but, Eagle will pay him no attention unless he first drinks a huge pot of wine. If Sparrow succeeds in this, Eagle agrees to share with him his kingdom. 

Sparrow asks King Eagle that after each drink of wine he be allowed to fly to the river for a drink of water. 

Overconfident Eagle unwisely agrees to Sparrow's request.

Sparrow hides all his relatives in the bush at the river. After the first drink of wine, he flies to the river, and a relative takes his place for the second drink; another relative goes for the third drink and so on until the pot is emptied.

King Eagle is amazed little Sparrow can drink more than 100 times his weight in wine! 

Suddenly all the animals present at the feast jump up noisily, and demand Eagle keeps his promise and share his kingdom with the sparrow. 

But, Eagle refuses; the animals assemble for a great gathering, and dismiss him as King since he is no longer an honorable leader. 

No one ever discovered Sparrow as a cheater; it is said whenever there is heard a great chattering by sparrows, that King Eagle was being laughed at for his promises and wits being like a roaring great wind.

Links to more African Folklore

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