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Black Rhino Therapeutic Oil Recipe

South African herbalists therapeutic oil recipe

Madame Aziamadi Massan, 70, is the neighborhood herbalist. At her stand in the streets of Bè-Ablogamé, a neighborhood in the port district of Lomé, Togo’s capital, she sells cures for malaria, high blood pressure, anemia, eye problems, sexual impotence and anything else that ails you.

South African herbalists or Inyanga have thousands of years of herbal knowledge

Treating ailments using plants growing in the garden and in the wild. Still, to this day, many South Africans have faith in the healing powers of the Inyanga.

Black Rhino Therapeutic Oil Recipe, many South Africans have faith in the healing powers of the Inyanga or South African herbalists.
Black Rhino Therapeutic Oil Recipe

Black Rhino Therapeutic Oil Recipe

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons ground black caraway seeds
1/2 teaspoon black sea salt or basic sea salt
½ cup olive oil


In a small saucepan add all ingredients carefully heat the oil up to body temperature or approximately 98 degrees Fahrenheit; if you accidentally allow the oil to get too hot, let it cool to the proper temperature. Caution, do not overheat mixture or you will cause severe burns, only use mixture lukewarm which is 98 degrees F or 36 degrees Celsius.
Uses - Variations of Black Rhino Therapeutic Oil recipe has been used for centuries by natural healers. Apply the lukewarm oil mixture externally as a heat rub used to relax muscles easing stiffness.

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