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Yohimbe tree sexual performance elixir

Yohimbe Tree Bark is an ancient herbal African ED treatment, Cameroon supplies the majority of the Yohimbe tree raw bark in the commercial trade.

Bark from the coastal forests of Central and West Africa's Pausinystalia johimbe or as it it commonly called, the yohimbe tree is a sexual performance natural remedy long used in African traditional aphrodisiac medicinal arts.

Bark from the coastal forests of Central and West Africa's Pausinystalia johimbe or yohimbe tree is a sexual performance natural remedy long used in African traditional medicinal arts.

African herbalists know the virtues of herbs and their use in healing here is a breif explanation of the Herbal African ED elixir made from Yohimbe tree bark.

Yohimbe bark contains a chemical called yohimbine that can increase blood flow and nerve impulses to the sexual organs. About half of men ages 40 to 70 have erectile dysfunction (ED) to some degree, although only one in 10 report a complete inability to have erections. Taking an ED drug produces an erection sufficient to start intercourse in about 70% of otherwise healthy men. As the African proverb says "What the eye does not admire, the heart does not desire."

Bark from the coastal forests of Central and West Africa's Pausinystalia johimbe or yohimbe tree is a sexual performance natural remedy long used in African traditional medicinal arts.
Yohimbe tree sexual performance elixir

The bark of the yohimbe tree contains a chemical called yohimbine, which is used to make medicine to help people who have issues with sexual performance issues. Cameroon supplies the majority of the raw bark in the commercial trade.

Yohimbine is not appropriate for unsupervised use due to potentially serious side effects; it is illegal in the United States to market an over the counter product containing yohimbine as a treatment for erectile dysfunction without getting FDA approval.

The bark of the yohimbe tree has been used for centuries by traditional healers and herbalists for its sexual desire properties. Without a doubt, the effectiveness of the bark in treating sexual performance issues has led to the development of a worldwide market for yohimbe products.

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