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Cassava Leaf Stew Recipe

Cassava also known as arrowroot, yucca, manioc, and tapioca is a nutrient-rich root vegetable. 

Cassava is the third most important source of calories in tropical Africa, after rice and maize. The cassava plant is a staple crop in Africa, different parts of the plant such as the root; leaves are used in herbal remedies. Families depend on cassava as a vital link for both food and income.

Cassava Leaf Stew Served with Rice

Cassava Leaf Stew Served with Rice


2 cassava roots peeled and chopped
2 handfuls cassava leaves
2 medium onions chopped
2 medium tomatoes diced
5 cups water or vegetable broth
Salt and pepper to taste


Add all ingredients into a large pot and simmer 30 minutes. Serve with rice.

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