African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Everyone will Undergo the Sentence of the Grave

Everyone will undergo the sentence of the grave. These death and burial Igbo African proverbs teach practical lessons on death and dying.

Where there is a dead body, both criers and laughers are found ~Igbo Proverb
Where there is a dead body, both criers and laughers are found ~Igbo Proverb

Death African Igbo Proverbs

Everyone will Undergo the Sentence of the Grave. 

The debt that a strong man owes to the earth is death. 

Things that are sweet are killers.

One who constantly disagrees will agree on the death mat. 

Even the best cooking pot cannot produce food.

Death does not recognize the chief.

The corpse does not know that it is being mourned.

Where there is a dead body, both criers and laughers are found. 

A poor person thinks about money more than death. 

He who will go tomorrow finds tomorrow has already gone.

Rain does not fall on one roof alone.

He who will go tomorrow finds tomorrow has already gone

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