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Nakupenda means Love in Swahili

In the Swahili language, the word Nakupenda means you are in love.

Nakupenda is pronounced just as its spelled Na-ku-pen-da. Swahili is a relatively simple language to learn, mostly because words are pronounced as they are written.

Hakuna matata is the most popular quote and means no worries.

The phrase gained international recognition after it was used in the animated movie The Lion King.

Nakupenda means Love in Swahili

Learn the Swahili language of love

English Language Swahili Language
Desire Hamu
Want Unataka
Passion Shauku
I’m Sorry Samahani
I Love You Ninakupenda
Appreciation Shukrani
Devotion Ibada
Emotion Hisia
Fondness Upendo
Friendship Urafiki
Infatuation Kupendeza
Lust Tamaa
Passion Shauku
Respect Heshima
Tenderness Huruma
Yearning Unataka
Adulation Adulation
Amity Uaminifu
Amorousness Kupendeza
Ardor Shauku
Attachment Kiambatisho
Cherishing Kutamani
Crush Kuponda
Delight Furaha
Devotedness Kujitolea
Enchantment Uchawi
Enjoyment Furaha
Fervor Fervor
Fidelity Uaminifu
Flame Moto
Hankering Kukimbia
Involvement Ushiriki
Like Kama
Partiality Upendeleo
Piety Uungu
Rapture Kunyakuliwa
Regard Tazama
Relish Furaha
Sentiment Hisia
Weakness Udhaifu
Worship Ibada
Zeal Bidii
Ardency Ujasiri
Mad For Wazimu
Soft Spot Doa Laini

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