
Showing posts from July, 2013
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Growing Berries in South Africa

Types of berries and growing berries in South Africa. The Koo Valley is well known for its densely planted fruit tree orchards and a brand of canned fruit in South Africa that bears its name. The Koo valley lies between the Long and Waboomsberge mountains in Western Cape, South Africa. Lush farmlands arealso well known for Cape Wine lands and the famous picturesque road of Rooihoogte Pass or R318 that passes along the full length of the Koo valley. The Eastern Cape Berry Corridor hopes to become the largest blueberry producers by 2020. Thornhill Farms in Amathole spearhead the Eastern Cape berry corridor, which is one of the seven districts of Eastern Cape Province.   Fruit and berries grown in Koo valley, the berry corridor or your own home garden are a delicious treat packed with vitamins, fiber and cancer-fighting antioxidants. Below are some common berries grown in South Africa . Blueberry Sweet, juicy ...

Gingered Green Tomatoes a Healthy African Lunch in 10-minutes

Recipe Gingered Green Tomatoes Yield: 6 servings Prep time: 5 minutes Total time: 10 minutes Gingered Green Tomatoes​ Recipe Green tomatoes are just unripe tomatoes if the taste is too tart simply mix with ripe tomatoes and brown sugar. Simple healthy recipe, just add all ingredients to a large bowl mix well and serve. Ingredients 10 green and red tomatoes halved 2 tablespoons diced red onions ½ teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper ½ teaspoon ground cloves ½ teaspoon ground allspice ½ teaspoon ground cayenne powder 1 tablespoon brown sugar Directions Add all ingredients to a large bowl mix well and serve. More economical easy lunch and dinner recipes to make right now so you never have to eat or prepare a boring meal again. Curried Tanzanian Coconut Okra Recipe Yedoro Stir Fried Ethiopian Chicken Dinner Senegalese Chicken Vermicelli ...

Chapati Flatbread to Eesh Baladi Baking is Art in Africa

Baking Bread in Africa Baking Chapati Flatbread to Eesh Baladi is an art, the skill of bread baking throughout the African continent is a traditional talent filled with pride. Pounding grain in Benin From Kenyan Chapati flatbread to Egyptian Eesh Baladi the most delicious breads begin with proper ingredients and mixing. The method of mixing is important when several ingredients are combined when making dough for African breads and fritters. Mixing is a universal term that includes stirring, beating, blending, sifting, creaming, cutting in and folding. Chapati Flatbread to Eesh Baladi Baking Bread is Art in Africa. Each mixing method gives a different consistency. The method of combining the ingredients is determined to some extent by the ingredients themselves. The tools used, such as whisks and spoons also make a difference. The tools you use for the job have a great impact on what happens during mixing.  Examples of the type of mixing are Sifting, or putting materi...

Handing Down History Thru Recipes

Recipes are a type of storytelling handed down thru the generations. Share stories about your family  Homemade Cooking Heritage  Word-of-mouth is still customary in certain cultures, as this is the primary way recipes are passed down from one generation to the next. However, for the most part, the oral tradition of sharing beloved family recipes is becoming a lost art. Perhaps a loved one passed away before you learned what the ingredients and techniques were. Maybe the recipe was always there and taken for granted.  A loved one experimented long ago, perhaps failed at the recipe but, tried again, finally succeeded in creating a family recipe, and passed it down by word of mouth. However, after a generation or two, the recipe's origin becomes a mystery and a family legacy fades away. "Eating is a need, enjoying is an art." Handing Down History Thru Recipes Grandparents, parents and kids cooking together in t...

Dining Etiquette How to eat with your hands

Eating with your hands African dining etiquette. Let's face it, hand food is fun, in Africa, they traditionally do not use knives or forks but before you get your hands dirty, there are some etiquette rules. Dining Etiquette How to eat with your hands​. Chic African Culture Well technically eating with your hands means eating with small pieces of bread. Eating food with your hands in today’s society is observed as being unsanitary, unclean, bad mannered and even gross. Today as we adopt more customs of the western world, it is common to see people using spoons, forks, and knives. Eating with your hand instead of using silverware is a skill that can be gratifying when done in the approved manner.  Etiquette should be observed when dining in any culture that eating with your hand is a tradition. The hands must be thoroughly washed; hands are washed before and after eating. Typically you eat with your right hand since bodily functions are taken care of with your left hand. The...

African Proverbs and Folktale on Saying Thank You, Gratitude and Kindness

A thankful heart is a magnet for miracles, attracting blessings from unseen realms. - African Proverb Chic African Culture Africa Factbook and The African Gourmet are dedicated to promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of African cuisine and art across different African cultures. We deeply value your ongoing support over the years.  Discover interesting and enlightening facts about Africa and its 54 distinct and diverse countries, each with its unique challenges and inspiring stories. Immerse yourself in the richness of African culture, including food, recipes, news, photos, and travel. Learn about the 54 African countries, their people, tribes, and communities.  The river of blessings flows abundantly through the valley of gratitude. - African Proverb Thank You African Proverbs and Folktale One can repay the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind. A grateful heart is a wellspring of blessings, nourishing the soul and attracting abu...

The Story of Lightning and Thunder

African Folktale Story of Lightning and Thunder. In the olden days thunder and lightning lived on the earth amongst all the other people, but the king made them live at the far end of the town, as far as possible from other people's houses. African folktales are a cherished African oral storytelling tradition. The thunder was an old mother sheep, and the lightning was her son, a ram. Whenever the ram got angry he used to go about and burn houses and knock down trees; he even did damage on the farms, and sometimes killed people.  Whenever the lightning did these things, his mother used to call out to him in a very loud voice to stop and not to do any more damage; but the lightning did not care in the least for what his mother said, and when he was in a bad temper used to do a very large amount of damage. At last the people could not stand it any longer, and complained to the king. So the king made a special order that the sheep (Thunder) and her son, the ram (Lightning), shoul...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions