How the baboon’s bottom got swollen and red African Folktale
How the baboon’s bottom got swollen and red is a lovely African folktale. African folktales are stories forming part of an oral storytelling tradition shaped by the tongues of African elders passed down from one generation to the next. How the baboon’s bottom got swollen and red African Folktale How the baboon’s bottom got swollen and red African Folktale Tortoise and monkey were having a discussion when monkey began to boast about how he would become king of all the animals saying “Of all the animals, I am most like man so I should be king”. Tortoise replied, “You cannot be king for lion is king and is very powerful”. Monkey replied “Yet, man has power over lion and I am most like man so I should be king”! Tortoise felt threatened by this claim, not knowing what might happen if monkey decided to start acting like man. You see, tortoise was not powerful, but what he lacked in strength, he made up in wit and he knew and understood every animal’s behavior s